Unlock the Secrets to Your Financial Freedom and Extraordinary Success

Turn Your Dreams into Reality:
Boost Your Earnings and Live Your Best Life

Top 1% Wealth Coach Empowering Ambitious Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Key Benefits

  • Gain clarity and confidence in your goals

  • Earn more while working less

  • Attract ideal clients with ease

  • Create time freedom and work-life balance

  • Transition from your job to starting your dream business

  • Learn how to make annual earning into monthly

  • Learn and implement the income earning strategies used by the top 1% earners in the world.

  • How to turn your annual income into monthly without extra hours & more stress

  • The Universal laws and how to use them in your favour to create the results you want in your life

  • Achieve financial stability and independence

  • Establish multiple revenue streams

  • Receive personalized coaching from successful experts

  • Experience breakthroughs to accelerate your earnings

  • Gain recognition, enjoy dream holidays, and live a fulfilling lifestyle

  • Learn the Income earning strategies to leverage your effort & time

  • Learn the scientifically proven SIP Method for your success

  • How to close your knowing - doing gap to actually create the results you've been seeking

Does Any of This Sound Like You❓

  • Are you stuck in the same income range for years?

  • Are you tired of working hard with little to show for it?

  • You are aware that you have a one-of-a-kind message that the world needs to hear.

  • Are you ambitious entrepreneur eager to reach new heights of success?

  • You've already tasted success, but you know there's much more to achieve.

But internally you also feel the below :

  • Are you struggling to balance your personal and professional life?

  • Perhaps you have read many books and attended many webinars but seen no change?

  • Feeling overwhelmed with all the information out there and unsure who to trust?

  • You're a visionary with grand dreams, ambitious goals that challenge you, and aspirations that excite you deeply.

  • Have you watched "The Secret" movie and still had no success?

  • You possess an intense passion to leave a lasting mark on the world and genuinely improve people's lives.


You are in the right place

Meet Anu Wadhwa Saini

Hi, I am Anu

CEO and Founder of Paradigm Shift Institute, where we specialize in helping you break free from the paradigms that hold you back. Whether it's your decisions, the way you dress, talk, eat, your income, or relationships – everything in your life is controlled by your paradigms. True transformation happens when these paradigms shift, and that’s exactly what we’re here to help you achieve.

Anu who is a Bob Proctor Inner Circle Awardee & Top 1% Global Consultant & the CEO and Founder of the Paradigm Shift Institute.

Why Choose Paradigm Shift Institute?

Permanent Change at the Root Level: We don’t just treat symptoms; we address problems at their core to ensure lasting, meaningful change.

Expert Guidance: With credentials as a New York licensed Physical Therapist, a top 1% Wealth Coach, Bob Proctor Inner Circle Awardee, philanthropist, and seasoned Investor, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you on your journey.

Global Reach: We’ve had the privilege of serving clients in 26 countries, helping countless individuals achieve their dreams and break through their limitations.

For generations, the world has been inspired by the teachings of visionary leaders like Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, and Bob Proctor. Their insights have laid the foundation for personal and financial empowerment. Today, as a top 1% wealth coach, Anu Wadhwa Saini continues this legacy, guiding entrepreneurs and business owners towards achieving unprecedented success and freedom.

My Journey

Sixteen years ago, I was making just $12 a month and had recently lost my father due to financial constraints. Despite immense challenges, I persisted in my dream. After moving to New Zealand, I spent nearly a decade in a corporate job. Though recognized as a top performer, I felt like just another name on the payroll. This realization fueled my desire for a more rewarding life.

I invested in myself and started my own business, transforming my annual income into a monthly figure. My success led to recognition as a top 1% consultant by the Bob Proctor organization.

If I could achieve this with a newborn, imagine what you can do! The only thing limiting us is ourselves.

Take the First Step Towards Your Transformation...…..

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and achieve your dreams?

Join the Paradigm Shift Institute community for FREE today Join Now and start your journey towards a more fulfilling and successful life.

[Click here for my full story]

Why Wait? Transform Your Life Now!

Discover how to achieve income breakthroughs, attract your dream clients, and create a balanced lifestyle filled with happiness and time freedom. At Paradigm Shift Institute, we provide you with the tools and guidance to make it happen.

Join Us Today and Experience the Paradigm Shift!

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire entrepreneurs and professionals worldwide to realize that they can achieve their desired results by first becoming the best version of themselves. At Paradigm Shift Institute, we focus on addressing the root causes of success: paradigms. Our expertise lies in helping individuals shift their paradigms to effortlessly and enjoyably achieve quantum leaps. Through our scientifically proven SIP method, we empower entrepreneurs and professionals across three dimensions, guiding them to unprecedented levels of success.

Regardless of what is going on in the economy outside—interest rate spikes, house pricing increases—you can create your own economy. The truth is, millionaires are being made even in challenging times.

Your outside results reflect your inner world. Research shows that 96-98% of results come from the subconscious mind and only 2-4% come from the conscious mind.

The conscious mind is our educated mind, our strategy mind.

If you feel your strategies are not working out and you are feeling burned out, let us tell you: our SIP method is going to help you achieve the income breakthrough you have been seeking.

Les Brown - American Politician & Motivational Speaker

Les Brown who said this about her... Your story is a testament to what I say always "if you can look up, you can get up! Keep impacting lives."

Joe Foster - Founder of Reebok

Joe Foster, founder of Reebok who said "Believe in yourself and start now. Whatever that idea is, give it your absolute best. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, push you!"

Vince Vaughn - A-list Celebrity in movies such as Wedding Crashers & True Detective

Vince Vaughn, A-list Celebrity, who said "You are such a special soul. Keep spreading your shine!"

Caroline & Sergio from the Housewives of Dubai

Caroline who is a fashion icon from the Housewives of Dubai & Sergio who is an ex-Real Madrid professional soccer star.

Dan Lok - World's #1 High Ticket Expert & one of the world's most watched, followed, and quoted social media influencers

Dan Lok, who has built a coaching and consulting enterprise that has collectively sold over $100 million worth of coaching programs, digital courses, and high-value

John Assaraf - CEO & co-founder of NeuroGym & RE/MAX

Also John Assaraf who is well known as an expert featured in the film & book 'The Secret', which focuses on the Law of Attraction. And it emphasizes that whatever consumes your thoughts will eventually attract into your life.

He also said "Anu, You are a legend. Love your passion of helping others to reach their full potential."

See What 9 Figure Earner Entrepreneur

has to say about Anu

JT Foxx, the world's number 1 wealth coach and branding expert!

Who publicly said this about Anu... "You owe it to yourself to stop what ever you're doing and have the conversation with her because she is 100% the real deal, giant heart, so much opportunity, so much growth! The world is a better place with Anu. She has clients all over the world... and she's got the magic touch and you will thank me when you talk with her"

You could hire any coach, or you could work with one of the top experts in the world with a proven track record. Ultimately, it’s your choice and your life!

Imagine where would your life be 6-12 months from now after taking our help :

  • You have achieved financial stability, supporting yourself and your family with ease.

  • You enjoy financial success and independence, free from financial worries.

  • Your professional and personal lives are perfectly balanced, giving you the best of both worlds.

  • You make a positive social and environmental impact, contributing meaningfully to the world around you.

  • You work flexible hours in a remote working environment, enjoying freedom and flexibility.

  • You have built a profitable business that thrives under your leadership.

  • You are recognized as a leader in your industry or niche, respected and admired.

  • You have developed diverse and sustainable revenue streams, ensuring consistent income growth.

  • You have successfully started your own business, turning your dreams into reality.

  • You are on track to achieve financial independence at an early age, planning for a retirement on your terms.

  • You have gained clarity and confidence, empowering you to make bold decisions and pursue your goals with determination.

Our Programs

Quantum Leap Gold Coaching Program

( 6 Months )

Quantum Leap Platinum Coaching Program

( 12 Months )

30 Days

Magical Manifestation Coaching Program


Quantum Leap One-on-One Mentoring Program

( 6 Months )

Corporate Coaching Program

Our Clients Success Stories

Love for Anu Around the Globe

Real Results from Real People